
I joined ISTerre Laboratory, Grenoble, France in October 2019 as an IRD (Institut de Recherche pour le Développement) researcher!

Research Interests. My research focuses on applied maths and computer science, and more particularly machine learning techniques for natural hazards, solid earth and climate informatics. My previous research also included medical image analysis, machine learning for cardiac personalisation and inverse problems.

Looking for a post-doc, PhD or M2 internship? If you want to work on machine learning for natural hazards applications, using satellite images, seismic and/or GPS signals, contact me. I am often looking for motivated students, either computer scientists wanting to work on impactful problems, or nerdy geoscientists!

The ANR JCJC Project EDAM: Earth deformation from automatic mapping, will start on Oct. 2024! We will work for the next 4 years on the development of specific machine learning models to detect at a large scale geomorphological objects (passed faults and landslides fossils), as well as currently moving objects (slow moving landslides, earthquakes) by fusing different satellite imagery. Our targetted region: South Peru.

I will be a visiting researcher at Columbia University in the Lamont Observatory between Feb. 2025 and Feb. 2026, thanks to a Fulbright Fellowship.


My full resume is available here. (might not be up-to-date)

